Fashion Puplicists
Ever wonder what it's like to work in the canine chic world of fashion PR?
We asked our four-legged friends at the BPCM agency in NYC to give us the scoop on the office lives (and romances!) of their terrific team of (four-legged) fashion puplicists.
BECKHAM CULLISON | Senior Puplicist
"Beckham is one of BPCM's most notable pups, having graced the pages of several fashion magazines. He's also one of the most well-traveled. He mostly keeps to himself in the office, but Snoopy brings him out of his shell. We sometimes wonder if an office romance might be brewing between our Pom puplicists..."
SNOOPY PARK | Senior Puplicist
"Snoopy is the chillest of the crew - he lets everything roll right off his back...unless Baci gets in his way! They have a bit of a contentious working relationship since Baci likes to play but Snoops is all business."
STELLA LODEIRO WHITE | Associate Puplicist
"Stella has a Kate Bosworth thing going on with her brown, one blue - so we let her do the sweet talking in the office. Pretty girls always get their way!"
MOGLI SACCO | Associate Puplicist
"Mogli is the new kid on the block, and the smallest of the BPCM bunch - but she's fit right in and hit the ground running. She loves her stripes and is almost as stylish as her mom."
BACI CUOCCI | Associate Puplicist
"Baci grew up at BPCM - his first day in NYC was spent at the office! He was put straight to work, and just two months later he was helping with late night of Fashion Week seating."
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