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Ah, Dog Dads...throwers of toys, takers of walks, and pickers-up of poo - they do it all!

We check in with some of our favorite Dog Dads what makes the bond with their beasts so special.

Corey + Frankie

Dad : Corey, Dancer/Singer/Actor/Choreographer
Dog : Frankie, age 1.5, Mini Golden Doodle
Favorite activity to do together : We love to play fetch in the park! Or we play hide and seek with his favorite bone in the apartment.
Favorite part of being a Dog Dad : The therapy that he brings me. His smile lights me up!
Fun Frankie Fact : At night, Frankie was a nervous puppy walking. So if a plastic bag would catch wind and turn over, he would freak out and bark at it.
What would make for your perfect Dog Dad's Day : A sunny day off biking with Frankie on my back!

Frank + Inky

Dad : Frank, Finance Professional & Videogame/Comicbook Aficionado

Dog : Inky, age 5, Pug + Brussels Griffon
Favorite activity to do together : Play all the Videogames/Watch the Yankees!
Best part of being a Dog Dad : Coming home everyday and being greeted with hilariously comical affection.
Best Inky story : Inky wearing a crab hat with his buddies in Boston, and basically stopping traffic because it was so comical.
Your perfect Dog Dad's Day : Wake up and take inks on a walk to the dog park, stop and grab a cup of coffee on the way. Hang out and play outside and when Inky gets tired, head back to relax and watch TV/play videogames.

Danny + Khaleesi

Dad : Danny, CEO of Simple Vodka & Lifelong Puppy Papa
Dog : Khaleesi, 3 year old Dachshund  
Favorite activity to do together : Snuggling and watching Animal Planet together.
Best part of being a Dog Dad : The unwavering look of love in her eyes, and copious amounts of puppy kisses - both of which are equally reciprocated by me.
Funniest Khaleesi story : The time she fell asleep in our laundry basket. We knew that she had, because she likes to burrow - and when we came home, she ran out to greet us, all tangled up in one of my wife's bras. As per usual, she got the FULL zoomies, but when when I bent down to untangle her, she took off and proceded to run out and start zooming up and down our apartment's hallway. All of the commotion eventually drew some of our neighbors out, and we all had a good laugh. She looked like an adorable baby camel!
Your perfect Dog Dad's Day : Good weather for our typical Sunday routine - food from the Arepa Factory, a stop into Dog & Co. for a new toy or treat, and then a nice long walk through Central Park.

Ryan + Barkley

Dad : Ryan, Advertising Exec & Animal Rescue Advocate
Dog : Barkley, a 4yr/o Sato (Puerto Rican street dog), terrier mix
Your favorite activity to do together: Hiking!
Favorite part of being a Dog Dad: Barkley (and her cat sister) made our family complete! Knowing that they are off the street and happy is its own reward.
Your perfect Dog Dad's Day: A trip to the lake so we can swim together and relax! I'm still trying to teach her not to fear the paddle board :)

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