If a cloud and a bird’s nest had a baby, it would be MODERN BEAST's MB POD. As thy discovered, that’s not how life works. So MODERN BEAST set to work to design the most comfortable, sleep inducing, full body supportive beast bed imaginable.
They start with a core of high loft, 100% recycled fiber (1 pound of our high loft fiber diverts 7 plastic bottles from landfills), then surround their core with a durable, removable and washable cover of the most incredibly soft fabric they could find!
Other than your bed, the MB POD will become your beast’s favorite place to sleep.
We want you to be happy with your purchase! Online (shipped) purchases of new, unused items can be returned for exchange or refund within 14 days of purchase. Exceptions below.
Please note that we are unable to return or exchange any food, grooming items, beds, or custom orders. Please see additional info on returns & exchanges here.